Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Colonization Of Africa Is A Significant Reason Why The...

The colonization of Africa is a significant reason why the educational system in Africa is split between the countries it holds. Between the late 1800s and early 1900s Africa faced many military annexations and diplomatic conquests. The impact of colonialism has influenced the conflicts in Liberia that happened in the late 1900s. Liberia s civil wars held a responsibility for the devastation that is implicated in its racial stance. Social Darwinism gave support for the superior rule over Africa. Liberia s conflicts play a notable role in how westernization of education and race are viewed throughout Africa. Liberia s education system emerged because of these conflicts. Colonizing Africa began between the 1870s-1900. An important tragedy of colonization is the stripping of ethnicities. Modern Africa is a product of European imperialism, not African heritage and tradition. Once the profits of the slave trade collapsed, because of its abolition, European markets were looking for ways t o keep a steady way to make profits. Traditionally, Africa had been divided into groups by tribe, family, clan and lineage. During the process of colonization these characteristics were social, economic and political. Colonial state formation caused new values, institutions and operational principles to take place. The African colonization required the taking of territories that were unknown to the political world. The old views on who would run each group were diminished by the new rulersShow MoreRelatedAnalysis About the Phenomenon of Racial and Gender Discrimination1005 Words   |  5 Pagesenvironmental problems, and the power and potential of democratic participation and collective action. 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