Saturday, October 26, 2019

For Money or Love Essay example -- Literary Analysis, Jane Austen

Women of the 1800’s where very limited to what they could do in life; especially the women of the upper and middle class. They where expected to do nothing more than marry and to marry well. If they could not do this the life that they faced was very grim. It would be a life of spinsterhood and being care for by other family members or working as a governess for some upper class family. Jane Austen in her book Pride and Prejudice shows the reader the important of marrying and hopefully marrying well but also how important it is marry for love. Jane Austen was born in1775 and the world that she grows up in was one that was very limited for women. Jane was very lucky in the fact that her parents knew how important an education was for all children. She was sent to school but she received most of her education at home from the book in her father’s library. From David Nokes’s book â€Å"Jane Austen a Life† he tells us that Jane† had determined that whatever her fait might be she would not indulge the role of charming female imbecile.†(103) and she was not willing to marry someone she did not love. In her book, she shows us many different characters and how they go about the whole game of marriage. There are five relationships in the book that we will look at, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins, Lydia and Wickham, Jane and Bingley, and Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Bennett is described in the book as being a women of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. (3) She was a women with five daughters and her goal in life was to see them all married and hopefully married well. In understanding Pride and Prejudice, Debra Teachman suggests that â€Å"Mrs. Bennet does not have the... ...s not have very many options in life and that by marry him she would bring security to her mother and sisters but she is not willing to marry without being in love. If all she wanted was to marry for money she would have accepted Mr. Darcy first proposal instead of telling him â€Å"that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.† For Darcy and Elizabeth to fall in love it takes time and the understanding of each other charter before they both can look be on their own Pride and Prejudice that they might have. Jane Austen is trying to show us that marriage is more that a business deal and that one should not just look to the good manners or appetence of another. That marriage with love is domed to be unhappy and that does not take a lot of money to find happiness. I believe that she put a lot of herself in to the charter Elizabeth.

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