Monday, October 21, 2019

Places in the Iliad - Towns, Cities, Rivers, and More

Places in the Iliad - Towns, Cities, Rivers, and More In this list of places in The Iliad, youll find towns, cities, rivers, and some of the groups of people involved on either the Trojan or Greek side of the Trojan War. Abantes: people from Euboea (island near Athens).Abii: a tribe from the north of Hellas.Abydos: a city near Troy, on the Hellespont.Achaea: mainland Greece.Achelous: a river in northern Greece.Achelous: a river in Asia Minor.Adresteia: a town north of Troy.Aegae: in Achaea, location of Poseidons underwater palace.Aegialus: a town in Paphlagonia.Aegilips: a region of Ithaca.Aegina: an island off the Argolid.Aegium: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Aenus: a town in Thrace.Aepea: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Aesepus : a river flowing near Troy from Mt. Ida to the sea.Aetolians: those living in Aetolia, an area of north-central Greece.Aipy: a town ruled by Nestor.Aisyme: a town in Thrace.Aithices: the inhabitants of a region of Thessaly.Alesium: a town of the Epeians (in northern Peloponnese).Alope: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Alos: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Alpheius: a river in the Peloponnese: near Thryoessa.Alybe: a town of the Halizoni.Amphigenea: a town ruled by Nestor.Amydon: a town of the Pae onians (in north-eastern Greece). Amyclae: a town of Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Anemorea: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Anthedon: a town in Boeotia.Antheia: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Antrum: a town in Thessaly.Apaesus: a town to the north of Troy.Araethyrea: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Arcadia: a region in central Peloponnese.Arcadians: inhabitants of Arcadia.Arene: a town ruled by Nestor.Argissa: a town in Thessaly.Argives: see Achaeans.Argolid: area in the north-west Peloponnese.Argos : town in northern Peloponnese ruled by Diomedes.Argos: a large area ruled by Agamemnon.Argos: a general term for the homeland of Achaeans generally (i.e., mainland Greece and Peloponnese).Argos: a region in north-east Greece, part of the kingdom of Peleus (sometimes called Pelasgian Argos).Arimi: people living in theregion where the monster Typhoeus lies underground.Arisbe: a town on the Hellespont, north of Troy.Arne: a town in Boeotia; home of Menesthius.Ascania: a region in Phrygia.Asine: a town in the Argolid.Asopus: a ri ver in Boeotia. Aspledon: a city of the Minyans.Asterius: a town in Thessaly.Athens: a town in Attica.Athos: promontory in northern Greece.Augeiae: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Augeiae: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Aulis: the place in Boeotia where the Achaean fleet assembled for the Trojan expedition.Axius: a river in Paeonia (in north-eastern Greece).Batieia: a mound in the plain in front of Troy (also called tomb of Myrine).Bear: constellation (also called the Wain): depicted on Achilles shield.Bessa: a town in Locris (in central Greece) (2.608).Boagrius: a river in Locris (in central Greece).Boebea: name of a lake andtown in Thessaly.Boeotia: a region of central Greece whose men are part of Achaean forces.Boudeum: original home of Epeigeus (Achaean warrior).Bouprasium: a region in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Bryseae: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Cadmeians: citizens of Thebes in Boeotia.Calliarus: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Callicolone: a hill near Troy. Calydnian Islands: islands in the Aegean Sea. Calydon: a town in Aetolia.Cameirus: a town in Rhodes.Cardamyle: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Caresus: a river from Mount Ida to the sea.Carians: inhabitants ofCaria (a region of Asia Minor), allies of the Trojans.Carystus: a town in Euboea.Casus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Caucones: people of Asia Minor, Trojan allies.Caystrios: a river in Asia Minor.Celadon: a river on the borders of Pylos.Cephallenians: troops in Odysseus contingent (part of Achaean army).Cephisia: lake in Boeotia.Cephissus: a river in Phocis.Cerinthus: a town in Euboea.Chalcis : town in Euboea.Chalcis: a town in Aetolia.Chryse: a town near Troy.Cicones: Trojan allies from Thrace.Cilicians: people ruled by Eà «tion.Cilla: a town near Troy.Cleonae: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Cnossus: large city in Crete.Copae: a town in Boeotia.Corinth: a city on the isthmus dividing mainland Greece and the Peloponnese, part of Agamemnons kingdom, also called Ephyre.Coronea: a town in Boeotia.Cos: an island in the Aegean Sea.Cranae: an island where Paris took Helen after abducting her from Sparta. Crapathus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Cretans: inhabitants of the island of Crete, led by Idomeneus.Cromna: a town in PaphlagoniaCrisa: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Crocylea: a region of Ithaca.Curetes: people living in Aetolia.Cyllene: a mountain in Arcadia (in central Peloponnese); home of Otus.Cynus: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Cyparisseis: a town ruled by Nestor.Cyparissus: a town in Phocis.Cyphus: a town in northern Greece.Cythera: the place of origin of Amphidamas; original home of Lycophron.Cytorus: a town in Paphlagonia.Danaans: see Achaeans.Dardanians: people from around Troy, led by Aeneas.Daulis: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Dium: a town in Euboea.Dodona: a town in north west Greece.Dolopes: people given to Phoenix to rule by Peleus.Dorium: a town ruled by Nestor.Doulichion: an island off the west coast of mainland Greece.Echinean Islands: islands off west coast of mainland Greece.Eilesion: a town in Boeotia.Eionae: a town in the Argolid.Eleans: p eople inhabiting the Peloponnese. Eleon: a town in Boeotia.Elis: a region in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Elone: a town in Thessaly.Emathia: Hera goes there on the way to visit Sleep.Enetae: a town in Paphlagonia.Enienes: the inhabitants of a region in northern Greece.Enispe: a town in Arcadia (in central Peloponnese).Enope: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Epeians: part of the Achaean contingent, inhabitants of northern Peloponnese.Ephyra : a town in north-west Greece.Ephyra: alternate name for Corinth: home of Sisyphus.Ephyrians: people in Thessaly.Epidaurus: a town in the Argolid.Eretria: a town in Euboea.Erithini: a town in Paphlagonia.Erythrae: a town in Boeotia.Eteonus: a town in Boeotia.Ethiopians: Zeus visits them .Euboea: a large island close to mainland of Greece on the east:.Eutresis: a town in Boeotia.Gargaros: a peak on Mount Ida.Glaphyrae: a town in Thessaly.Glisas: a town in Boeotia.Gonoessa: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Graea: a town in Boeotia.Granicus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Gygean Lake: a lake in Asia Minor: birth region of Iphition. Gyrtone: a town in Thessaly.Haliartus: a town in Boeotia.Halizoni: Trojan allies.Harma: a town in Boeotia.Helice: a town ruled by Agamemnon; site of worship of Poseidon.Hellas: a region of Thessaly ruled by Peleus (Achilles father).Hellenes: the inhabitants of Hellas.Hellespont: narrow stretch of water between Thrace and the Troad (separating Europe from Asia).Helos: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Helos: a town ruled by Nestor.Heptaporus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Hermione: a town in the Argolid.Hermus: a river in Maeonia, birthplace of Iphition.Hippemolgi: distant tribe.Hire: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Histiaea: a town in Euboea.Hyades: heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield.Hyampolis: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Hyde: birthplace of Iphition (Trojan warrior).Hyle: a town in Boeotia; home of Oresbius and Tychius.Hyllus: a river in Asia Minor near the birthplace of Iphition.Hyperea: site of a spring in Thessaly.Hyperesia: a town ruled by A gamemnon. Hyria: a town in Boeotia.Hyrmine: a town in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Ialysus: a town in Rhodes.Iardanus: a river in the Peloponnese.Icaria: an island in the Aegean Sea.Ida: a mountain near Troy.Ilion: another name for Troy.Imbros: an island in the Aegean Sea.Iolcus: a town in Thessaly.Ionians: people of Ionia.Ithaca: an island off westcoast of Greece, home of Odysseus.Ithome: a town in Thessaly.Iton: a town in Thessaly.Las: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Lacedaemon: the area ruled by Menelaus (in south Peloponnese).Lapith: the inhabitants of a region of Thessaly.Larissa: a town near Troy.Leleges: the inhabitants of a region in northern Asia Minor.Lemnos: an island in the north-eastern Aegean Sea.Lesbos: an island in the Aegean.Lilaea: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Lindus: a city in Rhodes.Locrians: men from Locris in central Greece.Lycastus: a town in Crete.Lycia/Lycians: a region of Asia Minor.Lyctus: a city in Crete.Lyrnessus: a city captured by Achilles, wher e he took Briseis captive. Macar: king of islands south of Lesbos.Maeander: a river in Caria (in Asia Minor).Maeonia: a region of Asia Minor south of Troy.Maeonians: inhabitants of a region of Asia Minor, Trojan allies.Magnetes: inhabitants of Magnesia in northern Greece.Mantinea: a town in Arcadia.Mases: a town in the Argolid.Medeon: a town in Boeotia.Meliboea: a town in Thessaly.Messe: a town in Lacedaemon ruled by Menelaus.Messeis: a spring in Greece.Methone: a town in Thessaly.Midea: a town in Boeotia.Miletus : a city in Crete.Miletus: a city in Asia Minor.Minyeà ¯us: a river in Peloponnese.Mycale: a mountain in Caria,in Asia Minor.Mycalessus: a town in Boeotia.Mycenae: a city in the Argolid ruled by Agamemnon.Myrine: see Batieia.Myrmidons: troops from Thessaly under command of Achilles.Myrsinus: a town in Epeia, in northern Peloponnese.Mysians: Trojan allies.Neritum: a mountain in Ithaca.Nisa: a town in Boeotia.Nisyrus: an island in the Aegean Sea.Nysa: a mountain associated with Dionysus.Ocalea: a town in Boeotia. Oceanus (Ocean): god of the river surrounding the earth.Oechalia: a city in Thessaly.Oetylus: a town in Lacedaemon, ruled by Menelaus.Olene: a large rock in Elis.Olenus: a town in Aetolia.Olizon: a town in Thessaly.Oloà ¶sson: a town in Thessaly.Olympus: a mountain where the major gods (the Olympians) live.Onchestus: a town in Boeotia.Opoeis: the place where Menoetius and Patroclus came from.Orchomenus: a city in central Greece.Orchomenus: a city in Acadia.Orion: a heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield.Ormenius: a town in Thessaly.Orneae: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Orthe: a town in Thessaly.Paeonia: a region in northern Greece.Panopeus: a town in Phocis (in central Greece); home of Schedius.Paphlagonians: Trojan allies.Parrhasia: a town in Arcadia.Parthenius: a river in Paphlagonia.Pedaeum: the home of Imbrius.Pedasus: a town near Troy: home of Elatos.Pedasus: a city ruled by Agamemnon.Pelasgia: a region near Troy.Pelion: a mountain in mainland Greece: home of the centa urs. Pellene: a town ruled by Agamemnon.Peneus: a river in northern Greece.Peraebians: inhabitants of a region in north-west Greece.Percote: a town north of Troy; home of Pidytes.Perea: the place where Apollo bred horses of Admetus.Pergamus: the high citadel of Troy.Peteon: a town in Boeotia.Phaestus : town in Crete.Pharis: a town in Peloponnese.Pheia: a town in the Peloponnese.Pheneus: a town in Arcadia.Pherae : city in Thessaly.Pherae: a city in southern Peloponnese.Phlegyans: fighting against Ephyreans.Phocis: territory of Phoceans (part of the Achaean contingent), in central Greece.Phrygia: a region of Asia Minor inhabited by Phrygians, allies of the Trojans.Phthia: a region in south Thessaly (in northern Greece), home of Achilles and his father Peleus.Phthires: a region in Carian Asia Minor.Phylace: a town in Thessaly; home of Medon.Pieria: Hera goes there on the way to Sleep.Pityeia: a town to the north of Troy.Placus: a mountain by Thebe, city near Troy.Plataea: a town in Boeotia.P leiades: a heavenly constellation: depicted on Achilles shield. Pleuron: a town in Aetolia; home of Andraemon, Portheus, and Ancaeus.Practius: a town to the north of Troy.Pteleum: a town ruled by Nestor.Pteleum: a town in Thessaly.Pylene: a town in Aetolia.Pylians: residents of Pylos.Pylos: area in south Peloponnese, and central city in that area, ruled by Nestor.Pyrasus: a town in Thessaly.Pytho: a town in Phocis (in central Greece).Rhesus: a river flowing from Mount Ida to the sea.Rhipe:  ¨town in Arcadia.Rhodes: a large island in the eastern Mediterranean.Rhodius: a river from Mount Ida to the sea: stirred up by Poseidon and Apollo to destroy the wall.Rhytium: a town in Crete.Salamis: an island off mainland Greece, home of Telamonian Ajax.Samos: an island off west coast of mainland Greece, ruled by Odysseus.Samos: an island in northern Aegean Sea.Samothrace: an island in the Aegean Sea: Poseidons view point on the battle.Sangarius: a river in Phyrgia; home of Asius.Satnioeis: a river near Troy; home of Altes.Scaean Gates: the major gates thr ough the Trojan walls. Scamander: a river outside Troy (also called the Xanthus).Scandia: the home of Amphidamas.Scarphe: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Schoenus: a town in Boeotia.Scolus: a town in Boeotia.Scyros: an island in the Aegean: Achilles son being raised there.Selleà ¯s: a river in north-west Greece.Selleà ¯s: a river north of Troy.Sesamus: a town in Paphlagonia.Sestos: a town on the north side of the Hellespont.Sicyon: a town ruled by Agamemnon; home of Echepolus.Sidon: a city in Phoenicia.Simoeis: a river near Troy.Sipylus: a mountain area where Niobe still exists.Solymi: a tribe in Lycia: attacked by Bellerophon.Sparta: a city in Lacedaemon, home of Menelaus and (originally) Helen.Spercheus: a river, father of Menesthius, after copulating with Polydora.Stratie: a town in Arcadia.Stymphelus: a town in Arcadia.Styra: a town in Euboea.Styx: a special underground river on which gods swear their oaths: Titaressus a branch of the Styx.Syme: an island in the Aegean Sea.Tarne: a city in Maeon ia.Tarphe: a town in Locris (in central Greece). Tartarus: a deep pit below the earth.Tegea: a town in Arcadia.Tenedos: an island a short distance off the coast from Troy.Tereia: a mountain to the north of Troy.Thaumachia: a town in Thessaly.Thebe: a city near Troy.Thebes: a city in Boeotia.Thebes: a city in Egypt.Thespeia: a town in Boeotia.Thisbe: a town in Boeotia.Thrace: a region north of the Hellespont.Thronion: a town in Locris (in central Greece).Thryoessa: a city in war between Pylians and Epeians.Thryum: a town ruled by Nestor.Thymbre: a town near Troy.Timolus: a mountain in Asia Minor, near Hyde.Tiryns: a city in the Argolid.Titanus: a town in Thessaly.Titaressus: a river in north-western Greece, a branch of the river Styx.Tmolus: a mountain in Meonia.Trachis: a town in Pelasgian Argos.Tricca: a town in Thessaly.Troezene: a town in the Argolid.Xanthus: a river in Lycia (Asia Minor).Xanthus: a river outside Troy, also called the Scamander, also the god of the river.Zacynthus: an island off the west coast of Greece, part of the area ruled by Odysseus. Zeleia: a town close to Troy, on lower slopes of Mt. Ida. Source: Glossary for the Iliad, by Ian Johnston

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